Photo of California Water Fowl Association volunteers tagging wildlife

California Waterfowl Association’s
Youth Education / Conservation Program

California Water Fowl Association logo

About California Waterfowl Association

California Waterfowl is an organization whose mission is to grow California’s waterfowl populations, wetlands and hunter-conservationist communities. Their vision is a California with thriving waterfowl populations, vibrant wetland ecosystems and respected hunting communities.

Youth Education/Conservation Program

The Youth Education/Conservation Program will not only help bolster waterfowl populations but also helps to educate the public, young and old, about the importance of wetlands, waterfowl, and conservation and helps instill a love for wildlife. The primary objectives of this project would be to reach an additional 4,000 students with education programs. California Waterfowl’s Education Team provides free in-person classroom presentations, field trips, and virtual presentations to school groups throughout California. During programs students get to interact with real wildlife specimens, explore wetlands on field trips and see wildlife in-person, and learn from experienced educators that many students would not have the opportunity to experience if it were not for the programs provided by California Waterfowl.

California Waterfowl Association bird banding operation
California Waterfowl Association bird banding operation